Monday, December 17, 2012

We Say

By  Jennifer Lynne Conover

We say

Heinous.  Evil. Monster.

Cruel, Sick, Coward.

Burn in hell.


We say

Guns did this.

Crazy man did this.

Satan did this.

And even,

Did God do this?


We say

Why doesn’t somebody do something about this?

We should do something to stop this.

Pray those poor families will get through this.

I wish I could just forget this.

And move on.


We say

I don’t know how to answer.

I don’t have an answer.

There is no answer.


What we say

Is why evil flourishes

Is why this doesn’t stop

Is why there is no hope.


Look in the mirror.

What do you say

To the image of self

Reflected there

What do you see

Surely nothing so heinous

Nothing so evil

As “that boy”


We say

I try really hard to be good

I wouldn’t dream of doing that

If only everyone else were just like me.


What about

 That little white lie?

That unkind word?

That slight of someone ” beneath” you?

That time you walked away?

That jealousy?

That little something you took?


What about

That utter selfishness?

That vice that demands your allegiance?

That hatred for that really bad person?


Who me?

Well everyone makes mistakes.

I don’t do all of these.

My sin is small.

I am NOT like THAT BOY!


My heart is not so very black

And dark

And mean

And ugly.

Just a shade of grey.

Easy to clean.


Nothing too terrible.





Why don’t we say

I’m so sorry,


No one should

Burn in hell.


Without God.

Isn’t that what Jesus thought?

He gave us the chance

To choose to be

With Him


Did anyone tell Adam?

Did anyone give him the chance?


Maybe they did.

Maybe they told him.

Maybe he chose this path.

But God is not glad he did.


As Jesus welcomed

The sweet children into his arms

Did he,


Shed a tear

Just for Adam?


Then He whispered

To my heart

Will you weep with me

For Adam

Who I created?

This is not what I wanted for him.

Not ever.


Then He whispered

To my heart

What about “Adam”

Down the street

If you meet him

Will you be my hands

And feet?

Will you love him?

Will you pray for him?

Will you be like me?


You see, this poem is not really about “we”

It is about me

For I can’t make you do what is right

But for myself

I must take account

Look inside

Surrender it all


My heart IS black

But someone told me

About Jesus

Making hearts as white as can be.


So wash me

Dear Jesus

Help me

Share the freedom

You have given to me.

Love You

By loving them.


Then I can say

I did something.


















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